
Preserving the biological diversity on our sites

Our biodiversity park in Lys-Lez-Lannoy – 05/08/24

Preserving biodiversity : Concrete actions every day

Preserving biodiversity is important to ManOrga. We didn’t want to set targets for this area because we don’t look at bees, flowers or dragonflies as KPIs. This is what we have put in place on our sites :

Objective : Promote biodiversity on our sites

Testimonial :

At ManOrga, we know that bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem. So, we installed beehives on the Lys site five years ago to promote biodiversity. Through this entirely voluntary initiative, we produce our own honey while highlighting our know-how. We currently have five bee hives, surrounded by a flowered meadow designed to promote pollination by our bees. We are proud to have harvested more than 50 kg of honey in 2022 and to be able to share it with our co-workers.

Damien Passebecq, Workshop Manager

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